Thursday, October 11, 2007

Project Proposal

Michael Irei

Title: Michael to Filomena Painting Project

1. Complete my first painting.
2. Barter my painting for objects of successively higher values.
3. Sell the final item and buy an original Filomena De Andrade Booth painting.

Background Information: Filomena De Andrade Booth is an artist based in Dallas, TX who mainly paints abstract expressionism ( She is somewhat of an inspiration for me to learn how to paint. I will use my first painting to barter for objects of more and more value than the item I have at the current moment. No money will be used, only object for object trades. However, at the end of this five week project, I will sell the item I have for money. My third goal will be to use this money to bid on an original Booth painting.
Inspiration and the idea for this project is based on a project by Kyle MacDonald who in 14 trades, traded a red paperclip for a house. Here is his blogspot explaining his method and what he did.

Time Schedule: I will have a total of five weeks to complete this project. During the five weeks, I will be spending a total of about 25 hours of in class time and 25 hours of outside class time to work on this project.
The fifty total hours will be broken up as follows.
Five hours will be used to form my project and give myself a clear idea of what I want to accomplish, set up my website and write my proposal.
Two hours will be used researching painting techniques. Since I myself have never painted, this will be important. During this time, I will also gather my materials necessary to create my first painting. I figure I will spend 5 hours creating my first painting.
From here, the process is pretty straightforward. I will have 25 hours of in-class or out-class time to network and make my trades. These trades will be done with people I know, over craigslist or other networking services. Over the course of five weeks, I will also spend 5 hours of mostly in-class time updating my blogspot with pictures of the items I acquire and journal entries of my progress. Here is my blogspot.
I will have five hours of extra time to overcome unexpected barriers and complete tasks that have been under budgeted as far as time goes.
Budget: My budget for materials for my painting and everything else will be $40.


Filomena Booth said...

Interesting project, Michael!
Keep me posted on your progress.


Fran said...


Start...................Stop 10/11/07..............11/8/07

Start = "create a Painting"
Stop = "Buy an original Filomena

Martha Marshall said...

I'm a big fan of Filomena's work as well. I can't wait to see how this goes.

JudyMackeyart said...

I know Filomena too.... Hmmmmm I hadn't thought of this angle as a way to acquire one of her paintings...I wish you best success in acquiring one of her paintings!